Uniting across divides.

Founding Organizations

About Us

Our Vision

The Team Up Project is invested in the power of connection to bridge divides, to cultivate cooperation across differences, and to create a brighter future for our communities and our nation.

Our Goal

Team Up’s goal is to empower people to build connections across differences with others in their communities. The Team Up Project aims to create avenues for bridgebuilding by offering tools, resources, and programming that equip people and organizations with the skills to celebrate differences, identify shared values, and work together to address shared needs.

Catholic Charities 2

What We Do

The Team Up Project will provide 10,000 Americans training in transformative listening, storytelling, and relationship-building skills, equipping participants with the tools they need to build connections in their communities. The Team Up Project will bring people together to build stronger communities and serve the common good.

Team Up
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Complete this sentence and post it online with #TeamUpForUnity: “It is important to me to Team Up because….” or “I Team Up when I…”
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Complete a free online 60 minute course to strengthen your bridgebuilding knowledge and skills.
Access bridgebuilding initiative guides from Catholic Charities, Habitat for Humanity and YMCA affiliates across the US. Guides outline the need, program design and lessons from the program.

How Do You Team Up?


What is the Team Up Project’s Mission?

The Team Up Project (Team Up)’s mission is to empower people to build connections and work together across differences with others in their communities for the common good.

Team Up believes people can play a leading role in building a stronger sense of belonging and unity in their local communities by promoting empathy and understanding across cultural, ethnic, religious and ideological divides. Strong personal connections and supportive, constructive and collaborative environments are the foundation of thriving communities. 

The Team Up Project aims to bring people from diverse backgrounds together and create avenues for bridgebuilding by offering tools, resources, and programming that equip individuals with the skills to respect and celebrate differences as well as identify shared values. The goal is to elevate and support ordinary acts of kindness, human connection and cooperation – and demonstrate that bridgebuilding is an achievable and worthy pursuit that everyone should take part in. The Team Up Project will not only share stories about the value of building meaningful connections across differences but also create a platform for organizations and leaders to work together to create strong, cohesive communities.  

Interfaith America, Catholic Charities USA, Habitat for Humanity International and YMCA of the USA are the founding partners of Team Up. 

The initiative is the first of its kind in terms of scope, scale and reach, with several of the largest service-oriented organizations in the country uniting behind a common purpose: creating community in a divided society and achieving more, together. The founding partners will utilize their organizational strengths and expertise – including their vast networks and resources – to facilitate bridgebuilding across the U.S. and elevate the important work that is already under way.

The Team Up Project initiative was born out of a collective recognition among its founding partners that there exists a pressing need for stronger connections and understanding in our communities. 

Team Up began as a part of the bipartisan United We Stand Summit at the White House in September 2022, which sought to counter the corrosive effects of hate-fueled violence on our democracy and put forward a shared vision for a more united America.

In the face of growing polarization, these organizations saw an opportunity to not only leverage their unique strengths and resources to empower individuals to bridge differences, but also create a dedicated space for other non-profits, organizers and leaders to collaborate and advance their community-building work.

The initiative will serve two distinct objectives. 

  • First, the Team Up Project will seek to highlight, support and expand the reach of bridgebuilding activities, programs and projects through partner organizations and their networks. Team Up will showcase bridgebuilding in action, share stories about the positive impact of human connection and elevate ongoing organizational work. 

  • Second, the initiative will offer resources, toolkits, best practices, and training to educate those in communities across the United States about the importance of bridgebuilding and prepare them to connect to local efforts.

Yes, the goal of the initiative is to build a vast network of national, state, local and community organizations that will all work together to create personal connection, bridge existing societal divides and create lasting change that benefits all Americans.

For the Team Up Project, bridgebuilding is coming together across differences to respect, relate, and cooperate. There are many organizations leading bridgebuilding work with a range of approaches and priorities. For the Team Up project we prioritize respecting diverse identities and divergent ideologies, building mutually inspiring relationships across differences, and shared action for the common good. Bridgebuilding is a means toward greater organizational impact, and a good in itself.

Bridgebuilding work is already underway. With financial support from generous partners, the Team Up Project engaged with leaders from 32 communities across the country – from Nashville, Tennessee to San Diego, California – and awarded grants to support local projects focused on creating bonds, fostering understanding and collaborating to address a community need among people with different socioeconomic, ethnic, religious, racial and political backgrounds and affiliations. These pilot programs will take different forms based on the needs of the local communities they serve and will explore new approaches and strategies for civic community-building. 

From community volunteers and local leaders to PTA parents and t-ball coaches, we want everyone to get involved – in big ways and small. If you’re interested in ending the cycle of distrust and alienation and creating communities that celebrate differences and foster understanding, Team Up With Us.

If you are an organization looking to become a partner, fill out the contact form and a representative from our team will be in touch.  

Team Up in Action

Metro Detroit YMCA 2
Habitat for Humanity Greater Nashville
Habitat for Humanity Milwaukee 2
Big Mike and Tom BuildUP-habitat
Greater Austin Y 3
Santa Clara Catholic Charities 2
Team Up Project - Austin Y 1
Pikes Peak Habitat -1
Team Up Project - YMCA of Greater Alabama Pic - George Zavala

Why We Team Up

In the News

Nick J_PVSA_8_14_2024
L to R: Kevin Fitzpatrick, Director of OJP; Carnell Wright (front); Martin Gutierrez, CCANO VP of Mission & Community Engagement; Roxelle Verdin; Kiana Calloway (front); and Earl Hagans.
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Catholic Charities

New Orleans, LA

Addressing Structural Barriers for Re-entry of Formerly Incarcerated People


Birmingham, AL

Teen Bridgebuilding Summit

YMCA & Catholic Charities

Austin, TX

Bridgebuilding Community Service-Learning Event

Catholic Charities

Nashville, TN

Kaleidoscope event: Helping our Neighbors, Sharing Goodwill

Habitat for Humanity

Pikes Peak, CO

Interfaith Dialogue & Bridgebuilding: An Interfaith Collaboration Video Training Series

Habitat for Humanity

Orange County, NC

Building Pride

Catholic Charities

Baltimore, MD

Safe Streets Baltimore

Habitat for Humanity

Nashville, TN

Bridge Building Cohort for Clergy Leadership – Building a Safe Place for Deeper Conversation and Connection